The PARIS Blog

A "post official development" blog for users of (or even for those who fondly remember) that rare and beautiful beast - the late-nineties Ensoniq PARIS Digital Audio Workstation, a unique blend of hardware and software that can still to this day hold its head up amongst its peers for "what comes out of the speakers". Be sure to read the Welcome post as it's assumed you've read it and understood it. Have fun! 

NEW (Q4 '08): After a lengthy testing process, new drivers for PARIS are now available for purchase from Mike Audet's site!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Greetings all!

The purpose of this blog is to provide a place for those who still use, or even fondly remember, that rare and beautiful beast - the mid-nineties Ensoniq PARIS Digital Audio Workstation, a unique blend of hardware and software that still to this day can hold its head up amongst its peers for "what comes out of the speakers".

What's driving this is my own return to the PARIS fold; I will be taking delivery of a two-card system shortly and - being an utterly selfish type - decided to take advantage of maturing internet technologies by setting up a community blog and accompanying website (in progress) to augment the NNTP version (also accessible by Web) of the PARIS community with more modern technologies like styled text, tags, greater searchability, file storage and media galleries. Should it interest nobody but myself I'll still consider the exercise in collating all the resources as time extremely well-spent.

Current plans include an already half-built website that will collate and organize as many of the remaining PARIS resources as possible so they won't suddenly some day "go dark". I will try to keep the front page reasonably low-bandwidth for those who are still logging in using steam-powered, coal-fired, 1200 baud modems. :D

This blog will be centered on audio and computer issues - PARIS, general audio, and music-related chat are all welcome -  and will focus on expertise and experience rather than dogma and argumentation on irrelevancies. There's no rigid prohibition on topics outside those spheres but emphasis on our commonalities as PARIS aficionados, rather than on our differences, will be maintained and enforced. 

This site is in no way affiliated with Ensoniq or Intelligent Devices; it is purely a private site for fans of this great piece of audio hardware. The information that has been assembled here is believed in good faith by the site administrator to be public domain, and is posted for non-commercial educational use only. Please don't post material here that you have any doubts about in that regard, and if you see any material that you think should removed on that basis, please notify the site administrator immediately.

A lesson that has been driven home again and again and again is that our commonality and our connection to each other as humans vastly outweighs mere ideology - a theme we ignore at our peril, both in microcosm here and in the broader world around us today. In our own microcosm - if we go forward with PARIS it will likely be as a community of users with a common vision or not at all. So what will not be tolerated here is divisive, demeaning or abusive discourse involving race, religion, nationality, political persuasion, sexual orientation, choice of computer platform or OS - or anything else. The posting of comments or links that are calculated to annoy or provoke others, or that are otherwise objectionable, is prohibited.

Have fun, and welcome!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad there is a source for PARIS users - FINALLY! I'm in need of help with a problem that I'm having and I think this site may solve it. Thanks and PLEASE keep this site and PARIS alive!!!

harry said...

kerry- your paris forums site is down!- since yesterday! are you aware of this? what has happened? will you have the site back online soon? for sure, a great tragedy, if we paris lovers ever lose that site---

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