The PARIS Blog

A "post official development" blog for users of (or even for those who fondly remember) that rare and beautiful beast - the late-nineties Ensoniq PARIS Digital Audio Workstation, a unique blend of hardware and software that can still to this day hold its head up amongst its peers for "what comes out of the speakers". Be sure to read the Welcome post as it's assumed you've read it and understood it. Have fun! 

NEW (Q4 '08): After a lengthy testing process, new drivers for PARIS are now available for purchase from Mike Audet's site!

Friday, April 11, 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT: Introducing the PARISWiki!

The PARISWiki is a collaborative online "virtual encyclopedia" - it's a work in progress which is designed for community input.

It's based on the open source Wikka engine, and is extensible in many directions using plugins; it has native support for cool features such as MindMaps so creating easy-to-navigate, site-at-a-glance alternate indexes tailored to suit individual needs is quite easy. The whole thing can be re-indexed easily once the data is up.
Editing in the
PARISWiki is very user-friendly. A brief tutorial is available here, step by step video tutorials here, and full documentation here. Hit the brief tutorials first, then the videos, and you'll have everything you need to start posting tips, cutting and pasting FAQs found in the newsgroup, fixing spelling or errors or adding a key topic page.


- Kerry, PARISWiki Admin

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